This is a little treatise on the value of one of my favourite days. I'm not going to call it a holiday, because really, there's a little part of me that thinks it ranks more among the "arbor day" than the "christmas" celebrations. Sorry, v-day. BUT: it is still an absolutely credible, viable day of celebration; a day to celebrate the most important thing in the world, no less. I don't think it's a coincidence that the verse I chose as a "life verse" was corinthians 14: the one that starts "love is patient, love is kind....." and ends with what I think is possibly the most beautiful phrase I've ever heard: "love never fails". Valentine's Day, as I see it, is a day to celebrate the people who make that true in your life.
I found it very annoying yesterday that when I told people happy Valentines Day, they said "It's a made up holiday celebrating capitalism at it's best; Happy Hallmark Holiday to you too." Really? Really?! Valentines Day, like every other day of your life, is whatever you make it. If you want to make it about buying your significant other gifts that they don't really need and that you feel obligated to give, that's gonna make it crappy, obviously. If you make it about hating everyone who's in a relationship because you're single, that will also suck. But try this: write someone you love (your boyfriend, your best friend, your mom, your mailman, whatever) a few lines about how much you love them. Buy flowers--sure, they'll die in a few days, but how can you waste money on something that makes someone feel loved? Put actual thought into what you buy your significant other, instead of spending five minutes at Walgreens grabbing the cheapest crappy box of candy. Valentines Day is about opening your eyes to how much love you have surrounding you, wherever that love may be coming from.
I had an absolutely incredible day yesterday. Going to go down as one of the best in the year. So, to anyone reading this: I love you. Happy Valentines Day, every day ;)
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